Other Classes

The following classes are available globally.

  • A NavigationRouteOptions object specifies turn-by-turn-optimized criteria for results returned by the Mapbox Directions API.

    NavigationRouteOptions is a subclass of RouteOptions that has been optimized for navigation. Pass an instance of this class into the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method.

    See more
  • A NavigationMatchOptions object specifies turn-by-turn-optimized criteria for results returned by the Mapbox Map Matching API.

    NavigationMatchOptions is a subclass of MatchOptions that has been optimized for navigation. Pass an instance of this class into the Directions.calculateRoutes(matching:completionHandler:). method.

    Note: it is very important you specify the waypoints for the route. Usually the only two values for this IndexSet will be 0 and the length of the coordinates. Otherwise, all coordinates passed through will be considered waypoints.

    See more
  • NavigationSettings provides a wrapper for UserDefaults.

    Properties are prefixed and before they are stored in UserDefaults.standard.

    See more
  • ReplayLocationManager replays an array of locations exactly as they were recorded with the single exception of the location’s timestamp which will be adjusted by interval between locations.

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  • The SimulatedLocationManager class simulates location updates along a given route.

    The route will be replaced upon a RouteControllerDidReroute notification.

    See more
  • DefaultStyle is default style for Mapbox Navigation SDK.

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  • NightStyle is the default night style for Mapbox Navigation SDK. Only will be applied when necessary and if automaticallyAdjustStyleForSunPosition.

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  • A view controller containing a grid of buttons the user can use to denote an issue their current navigation experience.

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  • A view that represents the root view of the MapboxNavigation drop-in UI.


    1. InstructionsBannerView
    2. InformationStackView
    3. BottomBannerView
    4. ResumeButton
    5. WayNameLabel
    6. FloatingStackView
    7. NavigationMapView
    |         1          |
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    See more
  • A manager that handles Style objects. The manager listens for significant time changes and changes to the content size to apply an approriate style for the given condition.

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